Theodora KNOPS

Ancestors of Theodora KNOPS

                            /- ?=?
                  /- ????
                  |         \- ?=?
        /-Henricus KNOPS
        |         |         /- ?????
        |         \- ????
        |                   \- ?????
Theodora KNOPS
        |                   /- ??
        |         /- ?????
        |         |         \- ??
        \-Maria WEYERS
                  |         /- ?=?
                  \- ?????
                            \- ?=?

Descendants of Theodora KNOPS

1 Theodora KNOPS
  =Johann VERHOEVEN  Marriage: 19 JAN 1919, Hülm
      2 Wilhelm VERHOEVEN
      2 Helmut VERHOEVEN
        =Magdalena SPICKMANN

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Wilhelmine KNOPS

Ancestors of Wilhelmine KNOPS

                            /- ?=?
                  /- ????
                  |         \- ?=?
        /-Henricus KNOPS
        |         |         /- ?????
        |         \- ????
        |                   \- ?????
Wilhelmine KNOPS
        |                   /- ??
        |         /- ?????
        |         |         \- ??
        \-Maria WEYERS
                  |         /- ?=?
                  \- ?????
                            \- ?=?

Descendants of Wilhelmine KNOPS

1 Wilhelmine KNOPS
  =Wilhelm TISSEN  Marriage: 15 JUN 1924, Hülm
      2 Heinrich TISSEN

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Laura KOCK

Descendants of Laura KOCK

1 Laura KOCK
  =Heinrich MEYER  Marriage: 4 OCT 1921, Rindern/Kleve

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Franziska KOCKEN

Descendants of Franziska KOCKEN

1 Franziska KOCKEN
      2 Werner GORTHMANNS
        =Gertrud PETERS
            3 Ruth GORTHMANNS
            3 Robert GORTHMANNS
      2 Martha GORTHMANNS
      2 Karl - Heinz GORTHMANNS

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Descendants of KOENEN

  =Sabine Wilma BODE

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Elisabeth KOENEN

Descendants of Elisabeth KOENEN

1 Elisabeth KOENEN
  =Theodor GORTHMANNS  Marriage: 15 SEP 1902, Weeze
      2 Johann GORTHMANNS
        =Maria BOERMANN  Marriage: 15 JUL 1930, Goch
            3 Maria GORTHMANNS
      2 Peter Theodor GORTHMANNS
      2 Johanna Maria GORTHMANNS
      2 Maria Josephine GORTHMANNS
        = ßß  Marriage: 1931, Weeze
      2 Wilhelmine Elisabeth GORTHMANNS
        =Johann van DEN HEUVEL  Marriage: 10 NOV 1936, Weeze
      2 Elisabeth Christine GORTHMANNS
      2 Ernst Wilhelm GORTHMANNS
        =Helene VAN OOYEN  Marriage: 1942, Kevelaer
            3 Herbert GORTHMANNS
            3 Ruth GORTHMANNS
            3 Elisabeth GORTHMANNS
              = HENSEN
      2 Paul Heinrich GORTHMANNS
        = ??  Marriage: 1946, Lübeck
      2 Karl GORTHMANNS
        =Lieselotte STOLL  Marriage: 10 DEC 1944, Weeze
      2 Wilhelm GORTHMANNS
        =Franziska KOCKEN
            3 Werner GORTHMANNS
              =Gertrud PETERS
            3 Martha GORTHMANNS
            3 Karl - Heinz GORTHMANNS

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Descendants of Erwin KOPSCH

1 Erwin KOPSCH
  =Elisabeth Johanna AENGENVOORT

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Hans Günter KÖHLER

Descendants of Hans Günter KÖHLER

1 Hans Günter KÖHLER
  =Klara Josephine BARTELS
      2 Rolf KÖHLER

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Ancestors of Rolf KÖHLER

        /-Hans Günter KÖHLER
        |                   /-Joanes Hubertus BARTELS
        |         /-Heinrich Gerhard BARTELS
        |         |         \-Johanna VAN STIPHOUT
        \-Klara Josephine BARTELS
                  \-Maria Amalie LIPINSKI

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Descendants of Maria KRAMBREUKERS

      2 Jan SCHOUREN
        =Maria Helena SANDERS  Marriage: 16 OCT 1838
            3 Maria Magdalena SCHOUREN
              =Leonard BARTELS  Marriage: 17 OCT 1838, Blerick/Holland

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Descendants of Bruno KRUZIK

1 Bruno KRUZIK
      2 Frank KRUZIK
      2 Petra KRUZIK

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Ancestors of Frank KRUZIK

        /-Bruno KRUZIK
        |                   /-Peter SCHOPMANS
        |         /-Hubert SCHOPMANS
        |         |         \-Theodora JOOSTEN
        \-Wilma SCHOPMANS
                  \-Franziska WEKKING

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Ancestors of Petra KRUZIK

        /-Bruno KRUZIK
        |                   /-Peter SCHOPMANS
        |         /-Hubert SCHOPMANS
        |         |         \-Theodora JOOSTEN
        \-Wilma SCHOPMANS
                  \-Franziska WEKKING

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Descendants of Käthe KUPKA

1 Käthe KUPKA
  =Wilhelm JANSSEN
      2 Irne JANSSEN
        =Paul SCHAUSTEN
      2 Herbert JANSSEN

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Petronella KÜSTERS

Descendants of Petronella KÜSTERS

1 Petronella KÜSTERS
  =Theodor SCHOPMANS  Marriage: 24 APR 1863, Weeze

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Descendants of Hans LANGE

1 Hans LANGE
  =Ingrid BEHR

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Wilhelmine LEENEN

Ancestors of Wilhelmine LEENEN

        /- ßß
Wilhelmine LEENEN
        \- ßß

Descendants of Wilhelmine LEENEN

1 Wilhelmine LEENEN
  =Theodor DALMANS
      2 Maria Katharina DALMANS
        =Heinrich TEEUWSEN  Marriage: 26 MAY 1902, Walbeck
            3 Antonius TEEUWSEN
              =Lena ??
            3 Theodor TEEUWSEN
            3 Theodor TEEUWSEN
              =Gertrud HEISTERS
            3 Wilhelmine TEEUWSEN
              =Fritz SCHULTE
            3 Johann TEEUWSEN
              =Mechtilde DIEBELS  Marriage: 19 NOV 1947, Lüllingen
            3 Hermann TEEUWSEN
              =Maria LUYVEN
            3 Anna TEEUWSEN
              =Albert UHLE

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Descendants of Josef LEMMEN

1 Josef LEMMEN
      2 Margret LEMMEN
        =Kurt SCHOLTEN  Marriage: 29 MAY 1964, Kevelaer
            3 Katharina SCHOLTEN
              =Stefan GORTHMANNS  Marriage: 17 AUG 1989, Kervenheim
            3 Marlene SCHOLTEN
              =Wilfried BÜSSERS  Marriage: 29 MAY 1992, Kervenheim
      2 Peter LEMMEN
      2 Theo LEMMEN

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Margret LEMMEN

Ancestors of Margret LEMMEN

        /-Josef LEMMEN
Margret LEMMEN

Descendants of Margret LEMMEN

1 Margret LEMMEN
  =Kurt SCHOLTEN  Marriage: 29 MAY 1964, Kevelaer
      2 Katharina SCHOLTEN
        =Stefan GORTHMANNS  Marriage: 17 AUG 1989, Kervenheim
            3 Ines GORTHMANNS
      2 Marlene SCHOLTEN
        =Wilfried BÜSSERS  Marriage: 29 MAY 1992, Kervenheim
            3 Steffen BÜSSERS
            3 Verena BÜSSERS

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Ancestors of Peter LEMMEN

        /-Josef LEMMEN

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