Simone KAMP

Descendants of Simone KAMP

1 Simone KAMP
  =Hermann WILLEMSEN  Marriage: 26 APR 2000

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Descendants of KÄTHE

  =Wilhelm WESSELS

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Anton Hubert Hendrick KEIZERS

Descendants of Anton Hubert Hendrick KEIZERS

1 Anton Hubert Hendrick KEIZERS
  =Johanna Regina Hendrina JANSSEN  Marriage: 15 JUN 1953, Horst/Melderslo
      2 Anton Martin Maria KEIZERS
      2 Martin Petrus Maria KEIZERS
      2 Christina Gertruda Maria KEIZERS
      2 Gerardus Johannes Maria KEIZERS

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Anton Martin Maria KEIZERS

Ancestors of Anton Martin Maria KEIZERS

        /-Anton Hubert Hendrick KEIZERS
Anton Martin Maria KEIZERS
        |         /-Martin JANSSEN
        \-Johanna Regina Hendrina JANSSEN
                  |         /-Joanes Hubertus BARTELS
                  \-Christina Gertruda BARTELS
                            \-Johanna VAN STIPHOUT

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Christina Gertruda Maria KEIZERS

Ancestors of Christina Gertruda Maria KEIZERS

        /-Anton Hubert Hendrick KEIZERS
Christina Gertruda Maria KEIZERS
        |         /-Martin JANSSEN
        \-Johanna Regina Hendrina JANSSEN
                  |         /-Joanes Hubertus BARTELS
                  \-Christina Gertruda BARTELS
                            \-Johanna VAN STIPHOUT

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Gerardus Johannes Maria KEIZERS

Ancestors of Gerardus Johannes Maria KEIZERS

        /-Anton Hubert Hendrick KEIZERS
Gerardus Johannes Maria KEIZERS
        |         /-Martin JANSSEN
        \-Johanna Regina Hendrina JANSSEN
                  |         /-Joanes Hubertus BARTELS
                  \-Christina Gertruda BARTELS
                            \-Johanna VAN STIPHOUT

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Martin Petrus Maria KEIZERS

Ancestors of Martin Petrus Maria KEIZERS

        /-Anton Hubert Hendrick KEIZERS
Martin Petrus Maria KEIZERS
        |         /-Martin JANSSEN
        \-Johanna Regina Hendrina JANSSEN
                  |         /-Joanes Hubertus BARTELS
                  \-Christina Gertruda BARTELS
                            \-Johanna VAN STIPHOUT

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Maria Margarete KEMPKENS

Descendants of Maria Margarete KEMPKENS

1 Maria Margarete KEMPKENS
  =Paul Peter HONACKER  Marriage: 3 JUL 1967, Geldern
      2 Andreas Peter HONACKER
      2 Thomas Christian HONACKER

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Anna Catharina KERSTEN

Descendants of Anna Catharina KERSTEN

1 Anna Catharina KERSTEN
  =Mathys DRIESSEN
      2 Maria DRIESHEN
        =Christian BARTELS
            3 Leonard BARTELS
              =Maria Magdalena SCHOUREN  Marriage: 17 OCT 1838, Blerick/Holland

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Christoph KISTERS

Ancestors of Christoph KISTERS

        /-Hermann KISTERS
Christoph KISTERS
        |         /- VISSER
        \-Theodora VISSER
                  |         /-Peter SCHOPMANS
                  \-Maria Gertruda SCHOPMANS
                            \-Theodora JOOSTEN

Descendants of Christoph KISTERS

1 Christoph KISTERS
  =Annegret HOLLANDS
      2 Dirk KISTERS

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Ancestors of Dirk KISTERS

                  /-Hermann KISTERS
        /-Christoph KISTERS
        |         |         /- VISSER
        |         \-Theodora VISSER
        |                   \-Maria Gertruda SCHOPMANS
        \-Annegret HOLLANDS

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Descendants of Hermann KISTERS

1 Hermann KISTERS
  =Theodora VISSER  Marriage: 14 SEP 1937
      2 Marianne KISTERS
        =Alfred ARTZ
            3 Georg ARTZ
            3 Rainer ARTZ
      2 Christoph KISTERS
        =Annegret HOLLANDS
            3 Dirk KISTERS

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Marianne KISTERS

Ancestors of Marianne KISTERS

        /-Hermann KISTERS
Marianne KISTERS
        |         /- VISSER
        \-Theodora VISSER
                  |         /-Peter SCHOPMANS
                  \-Maria Gertruda SCHOPMANS
                            \-Theodora JOOSTEN

Descendants of Marianne KISTERS

1 Marianne KISTERS
  =Alfred ARTZ
      2 Georg ARTZ
      2 Rainer ARTZ

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Franz Fritz Georg KLOSE

Descendants of Franz Fritz Georg KLOSE

1 Franz Fritz Georg KLOSE
  =Johanna Stefanie BARTELS  Marriage: 23 MAY 1953, Weeze
      2 Heinz Hendrick Hermann KLOSE

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Heinz Hendrick Hermann KLOSE

Ancestors of Heinz Hendrick Hermann KLOSE

        /-Franz Fritz Georg KLOSE
Heinz Hendrick Hermann KLOSE
        |                   /-Joanes Hubertus BARTELS
        |         /-Heinrich Gerhard BARTELS
        |         |         \-Johanna VAN STIPHOUT
        \-Johanna Stefanie BARTELS
                  \-Maria Amalie LIPINSKI

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Descendants of KLÜMPEN

  =Helene DIEBELS

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Henricus KNOPS

Ancestors of Henricus KNOPS

                  /- ?=?
        /- ????
        |         \- ?=?
Henricus KNOPS
        |         /- ?????
        \- ????
                  \- ?????

Descendants of Henricus KNOPS

1 Henricus KNOPS
  =Maria WEYERS  Marriage: 28 NOV 1883
      2 Johanna KNOPS
        =Peter Johann VAN  WELL  Marriage: 14 JUL 1909
            3 Maria VAN  WELL
              =Matthias VLOET  Marriage: 7 JUL 1935
      2 Katharina KNOPS
        =Friedrich NEUMANN
        =Johann WOLTERS  Marriage: 26 NOV 1919, Goch
      2 Regina KNOPS
        =Peter GORTHMANNS  Marriage: 19 JUL 1921, Weeze
            3 Peter GORTHMANNS
              =Johanna BARTELS  Marriage: 22 FEB 1952, Weeze
      2 Theodora KNOPS
        =Johann VERHOEVEN  Marriage: 19 JAN 1919, Hülm
            3 Wilhelm VERHOEVEN
            3 Helmut VERHOEVEN
              =Magdalena SPICKMANN
      2 Wilhelmine KNOPS
        =Wilhelm TISSEN  Marriage: 15 JUN 1924, Hülm
            3 Heinrich TISSEN

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Johanna KNOPS

Ancestors of Johanna KNOPS

                            /- ?=?
                  /- ????
                  |         \- ?=?
        /-Henricus KNOPS
        |         |         /- ?????
        |         \- ????
        |                   \- ?????
Johanna KNOPS
        |                   /- ??
        |         /- ?????
        |         |         \- ??
        \-Maria WEYERS
                  |         /- ?=?
                  \- ?????
                            \- ?=?

Descendants of Johanna KNOPS

1 Johanna KNOPS
  =Peter Johann VAN  WELL  Marriage: 14 JUL 1909
      2 Maria VAN  WELL
        =Matthias VLOET  Marriage: 7 JUL 1935

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Katharina KNOPS

Ancestors of Katharina KNOPS

                            /- ?=?
                  /- ????
                  |         \- ?=?
        /-Henricus KNOPS
        |         |         /- ?????
        |         \- ????
        |                   \- ?????
Katharina KNOPS
        |                   /- ??
        |         /- ?????
        |         |         \- ??
        \-Maria WEYERS
                  |         /- ?=?
                  \- ?????
                            \- ?=?

Descendants of Katharina KNOPS

1 Katharina KNOPS
  =Friedrich NEUMANN
  =Johann WOLTERS  Marriage: 26 NOV 1919, Goch

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Regina KNOPS

Ancestors of Regina KNOPS

                            /- ?=?
                  /- ????
                  |         \- ?=?
        /-Henricus KNOPS
        |         |         /- ?????
        |         \- ????
        |                   \- ?????
Regina KNOPS
        |                   /- ??
        |         /- ?????
        |         |         \- ??
        \-Maria WEYERS
                  |         /- ?=?
                  \- ?????
                            \- ?=?

Descendants of Regina KNOPS

1 Regina KNOPS
  =Peter GORTHMANNS  Marriage: 19 JUL 1921, Weeze
      2 Peter GORTHMANNS
        =Johanna BARTELS  Marriage: 22 FEB 1952, Weeze
            3 Georg GORTHMANNS
              =Cilly TEEUWSEN  Marriage: 6 NOV 1980, Weeze
            3 Andreas GORTHMANNS
              =Andrea SNELTING  Marriage: 6 DEC 1991, Weeze
            3 Stefan GORTHMANNS
              =Katharina SCHOLTEN  Marriage: 17 AUG 1989, Kervenheim

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